Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lex 2-2 of 2

Lex 2-2 of 2
10 Things I Didn’t Know About how many servers are part of the Internet and the levels of servers in the hierarchy of Internet servers.

Understanding computer language definitions is the first step for me.

A client is the person using a computer for information or recreation.

A computer is like a vehicle, a bus, train, or plane, providing a service by transporting persons to another place.

Servers are the information or recreation sought by the client.

The Internet is a transporter, an “Information Superhighway”, ‘A network of networks’.

Seeing the schematic of the internet network-the bits & pieces connecting-helps me to cope with a frozen computer screen when it doesn’t do what I want!

The variety of different services in the hierarchy of the Internet servers surprised me. I didn’t know there were so many choices.

Hofstetter’s ‘Jargon on the Net’ is like learning another language.

Hofstetter also wrote about online classes in chapter two. I’ve taken more than one at Cabrillo College. While, I was sometimes stymied by the Blackboard system, overall the classes were useful.

My computer experiences have been mostly with email & search tools. So far, this class has opened up several new computer possibilities for me to try out. The textbook & your sessions, which I have been downloading, will prove very helpful. Thanks!

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